Help Alpha Prime Fund Life Saving Breast Cancer Research

Help Alpha Prime Fund Life Saving Breast Cancer Research

Help Alpha Prime Fund Life Saving Breast Cancer Research

As one of the leading women’s fitness apparel brands, Alpha Prime is honored to join the fight to find a cure for Breast Cancer. We are kicking off the third week of Breast Cancer Awareness month today on the blog. Cancer research is vital in order to prevent and cure breast cancer. At Alpha Prime, we personally know how important funding is for lifesaving research and improved cancer treatment options.

Lifesaving Cancer Research

Organizations, like The Breast Cancer Research Foundation, know that research alone has the power to bring an end to cancer. With nearly 300 researchers around the world, working tirelessly to find a cure, The Breast Cancer Research Foundation is committed to taking on this disease. Their researchers understand that breast cancer is a complex disease and that is why they focus on numerous areas such as:

  • Heredity and Ethnicity
  • Lifestyle and Prevention
  • Metastasis
  • Survivorship
  • Treatment
  • Tumor Biology

Improved Treatment Options

Through cancer research, scientists have been able to not only develop more effective treatment options, but they have also been able to better predict a patient’s response to treatment. Funding has also made it possible for researchers to support clinical trials that are testing promising new combinations of therapies for the treatment of advanced breast cancer.

Research studies have laid the groundwork for the discovery of areas like immune biomarkers that can help create targeted therapies to enhance immune response. They have also help in the development of vaccines to use in combination with other therapies to improve treatment outcomes and prevent metastasis.

What We Can Do To Help

According to the American Cancer Society, a women’s risk of dying from breast cancer dropped 39 percent between the late 1980s and 2015. That’s more than 300,000 breast cancer deaths that were avoided during that time. This is all due to funds raised during Breast Cancer Awareness Month for lifesaving research which has lead to improved treatment, and early detection through screening and increased awareness. Despite this amazing progress, breast cancer is still the second leading cause of cancer death in women.

During the last two weeks of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Alpha Prime is donating 10% of all proceeds from purchases of our women’s workout leggings and sports bras to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. We are also offering our limited edition “Never Give Up” line, exclusively throughout the month of October. Join in the fight and help us continue to fund lifesaving research for this amazing cause.